Jumat, 18 November 2016


Diposting oleh Firliska Andinia di 05.07 1 komentar
Big promise always scare me.
Maybe because when people say
"Let's keep in touch" or " I'll always be here"
A year later
i'm here
and they're no where
to be seen.

Rabu, 16 November 2016

💮💮 midnight thought 💮💮

Diposting oleh Firliska Andinia di 07.40 0 komentar
sometimes i realize
there are people that heavily burdened with horrible things

bad relationship

mental illness

dangerous situations

wanted to cry but no tears came out

so you just stare blankly into space

while feeling your heart break into a pieces

and i just desperately hope that you'll be okay
you'll find the strength to continue
and do the right thing for yourself
you will make it through
and be happy

all of you...

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥

Diposting oleh Firliska Andinia di 01.11 0 komentar

Some of people make their love out of tears.
They think love needs to be difficult made of arguments and drama.
It is a love made of shared misery.

Some people make their love out of a fiery desire,
Burning passion hot stuff.
It is a love made of sexy lust.

and when the flames have dies down and the tears have dried up

there is nothing left

Kamis, 28 April 2016

🌿 ☘ 🍀

Diposting oleh Firliska Andinia di 08.22 0 komentar

The only thing that annoys me more then people who only hit me when they need something...is the fake conversation before they ask.

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